Myofascial Pain Syndrome Compensation Claims
Finding a Myofascial Pain Syndrome Solicitor to Represent You
The Importance of Having a Myofascial Pain Syndrome Lawyer
If you’re suffering from a chronic pain condition like myofascial pain syndrome, you need a law firm that understands what you’re going through and can help. With our specialist knowledge, we can identify the appropriate experts to properly diagnose your condition. Given our in-depth knowledge of such conditions, we can carry out our r own forensic assessment of your records to determine whether you have a case with prospects of success. We will also ensure that your condition is properly investigated and treated. As stated above, MPS can be caused by a range of events in your life and it is important you’re in the right hands to help prove that an accident or injury is the cause of your condition.
At FT Chronic Pain Solicitors, we are leading and award-winning experts in chronic pain conditions who will fight for you. Unlike other law firms, we do not operate with brick-and-mortar constraints, and we don’t dilute our focus on other areas of the law.
We are a modern law firm with an agile working ethos that allows us to be where you are, and our attention is solely on helping clients who suffer from chronic pain conditions like MPS. Whether you are seeking counsel for the first time or you wish to move your personal injury claim to a reputable firm with experienced myofascial pain syndrome solicitors, FT Chronic Pain Solicitors is here to help. Send us a message, drop us an email at info@ftchronicpain.co.uk or give us a call on 0800 9991078 for a free initial consultation.
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Myofascial Pain Syndrome FAQs

What is Myofascial Pain Syndrome?
Everyone experiences muscle pain from time to time, and for most people, it goes away on its own after some time passes. For some people, though, the pain is persistent. For people with myofascial pain syndrome (MPS), pain in the musculoskeletal system becomes chronic. What is myofascial pain syndrome? Here, we offer an overview of myofascial pain syndrome symptoms and treatment, to help you better understand this condition.
One hallmark of myofascial pain syndrome is trigger points. Sensitive spots that develop in the part of the muscles known as the fascia, these trigger points, when pressed, cause pain in a different part of the body. This is called referred pain. They are also tender to the touch. Trigger points are a feature of fibromyalgia, as well, but the trigger points of fibromyalgia don’t cause referred pain, and they’re more plentiful and widespread. Another difference between MPS and fibromyalgia is that the pain of fibromyalgia is felt throughout the body, while MPS causes pain in regional groups of muscles. It’s important to note these differences because the two conditions are similar in that they cause pain and fatigue in the skeletal muscles. Other common symptoms of myofascial pain syndrome include deep pain in localised areas of muscles that gets worse when the muscle is stretched, stiff, weak, inflexible muscles, mood disturbances, difficulty sleeping because of pain, and muscle pain that does not improve over time and may even get worse.

What are the Causes of Myofascial Pain Syndrome?
This chronic pain syndrome usually happens due to muscle overuse, trauma, or psychological stress. When a muscle has been contracted repetitively or when muscle tension is caused by stress, trigger points are likely to develop. Sustained repetitive motions, like lifting heavy objects or working on a computer, can cause trigger points to arise, but they’re not the only contributing factor. Other factors include poor posture, sitting for a long time in an uncomfortable position, lack of exercise, lack of sleep, fatigue, and intense cooling of muscle, as when you sleep in front of an air conditioner. Injury to the musculoskeletal system can contribute to the formation of trigger points, as can nutritional deficiencies, obesity, smoking, and hormonal changes. Other pain or inflammation conditions can be a factor in the development of myofascial pain syndrome, and so can emotional problems like depression and anxiety.

How is Myofascial Pain Syndrome Diagnosed?
Myofascial pain syndrome is diagnosed through a physical exam. Your doctor will look for trigger points by pressing on tender spots within your muscles. Doctors are trained to feel a twitch in the muscle, known as a “jump sign,” when a trigger point is pressed. There are no other tests for MPS; your report of current symptoms, as well as past injuries or surgeries, is the only other thing your doctor will use to assess your condition and confirm the diagnosis.
There are different types of myofascial trigger points:
Active trigger points are usually the source of muscular pain. These nodules, found within a band of muscle, are very tender. They are the trigger points that cause referred pain, and when the doctor touches them, they twitch.
Latent trigger points are not tender to the touch. They can be dormant for years, becoming active in times of stress or trauma.
A secondary trigger point becomes active when another muscle is stressed. Often, secondary trigger points resolve when the active trigger point is treated.
Satellite myofascial points are a specific type of secondary trigger point. They become active because they’re located near another trigger point.

What Myofascial Pain Syndrome Treatment is Available?
It’s best to seek treatment in the early stages of myofascial pain syndrome. Left to progress, MPS can greatly affect your quality of life and limit your ability to participate in activities you previously enjoyed. Your mobility may be impacted, which can lead to depression and feelings of isolation. Myofascial pain syndrome treatment involves several different options, and no single treatment works for everyone. MPS can often be successfully managed through comprehensive treatment and healthy lifestyle choices. Typically, treatment involves medications, needle procedures, and various therapies.
Medications used to ease myofascial pain syndrome symptoms:
Pain relievers: Often, over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like acetaminophen, naproxen sodium, and ibuprofen can help alleviate pain and swelling. In some cases, your doctor may prescribe a stronger pain reliever, like lidocaine, tramadol, or a diclofenac patch.
Muscle relaxants: Benzodiazepines and tizanidine are sometimes prescribed to reduce muscle spasms. Gabapentin and pregabalin are anticonvulsants, but they can also be useful in reducing muscle spasms and alleviating pain.
Antidepressants: Some antidepressants, including amitriptyline, can help relieve pain for people with fibromyalgia, nerve pain, MPS, and other chronic pain syndromes. They can also help improve sleep.
Sedatives: Clonazepam is used to treat anxiety and poor sleep, but usage should be carefully monitored because it can be habit-forming.
Botox: Injections of Botox are used to prevent muscle contractions, which can help relieve pain.
Therapies used to ease myofascial pain syndrome symptoms:
Stretching is often done using numbing solution. This “spray and stretch” practice involves the physical therapist spraying a numbing spray on the skin before leading you through stretching exercises. Stretching at home can also be helpful.
Posture: Posture training can help you with myofascial pain, especially when it comes to the muscles in your neck. Working on strengthening the muscles around the trigger points can help prevent any muscle from being overworked.
Massage: A massage therapist may use many diverse types of massage to relax your trigger points. These include passive rhythmic release, active rhythmic release, shiatsu, and trigger point pressure release. The reason massage is helpful is that it increases the blood flow to your muscles and warms them up, which can reduce stiffness and ease pain.
Heat: A heat pack or hot shower often alleviates muscle tension and pain.
Ultrasound: Ultrasound therapy can be used to increase blood circulation, improve warmth and promote healing.
Two different types of needle procedures are typically used in treating MPS:
Dry needling: In this procedure a doctor inserts a needle into the trigger point, moving it around and in and out to inactivate the trigger point. It’s painful but effective, and some doctors use acupuncture needles, although dry needling is not the same thing as acupuncture. For some people, acupuncture has also proved effective in treating myofascial pain syndrome.
Injections: Trigger point injections are similar to dry needling in the way they’re performed, but they contain a saline solution or a local anaesthetic. They’re less effective than dry needling, but they’re also less painful.

Can I help to ease my Myofascial Pain Syndrome Symptoms at Home?
There are things you can do on your own to help manage your myofascial pain syndrome. It starts with the basic self-care elements: exercise, rest, and a good diet. You can talk to your doctor or physical therapist about the right kind of exercise for you. Strive to get plenty of sleep, so that you wake up rested, and fill your diet with nutrient-dense foods like fruits and vegetables. Try to manage your stress by meditating, writing in a journal, or finding some other way to relax. Beyond these basics, there are several things you can try that may help with the pain and improve your quality of life:
Choose an ergonomically designed work chair, so you’ll be more comfortable and have better posture.
Adjust your computer’s height so that it falls in your natural eyeline.
Pay attention to how you sleep and consider making adjustments like changing the position in which you sleep or even replacing your mattress.
Practice exercises that involve stretching, like yoga and Pilates.
Wear a back brace any time you have to lift something heavy.
Try using a personal massager to help with muscle pain.
Apply an ice pack after muscle injuries.
Treat muscle inflammation with moist heat, like a heating pad or a hot bath or shower.
Practice mindfulness.
Speak to a mental health professional about reducing stress.
Finally, consider finding someone to talk to about the challenges you’re facing, whether that is a counsellor or a support group. There are support groups online and in person that you might find helpful when you are addressing the difficulties that come with myofascial pain syndrome.