Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Compensation Claims
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Solicitors to Represent You
The Importance of Having a Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Lawyer
If you have chronic fatigue syndrome, you might qualify for compensation. It may be that you've experienced a significant change in your health and extreme fatigue due to an accident but are being told it's due to your age or depression and aren’t convinced.
Your health and future are in your hands and it is important that you instruct a law firm that knows the correct experts to instruct who have experience with chronic fatigue compensation claims. They will then be able to appropriately and skilfully separate symptoms of chronic fatigue from any pre-existing medical history and explain the extent of any pre-existing vulnerability to develop chronic fatigue syndrome. Given our in-depth knowledge of conditions like fibromyalgia and depression, we can carry out our own forensic assessment of your records at an early stage to help advise you on the prospects of a claim. Without that specialist knowledge, you might find yourself in the hands of the wrong medical experts who give the wrong diagnosis and advice about treatment and ultimately this might result in you being undercompensated.
Navigating a claim can be challenging, and the assistance of experienced chronic fatigue solicitors may be required. At FT Chronic Pain Solicitors, we are leading and award-winning experts in chronic pain conditions, and we will fight for you, to help you get the settlement you deserve. Unlike other law firms, we do not operate with brick-and-mortar constraints, and we don’t dilute our focus on other areas of the law.
We are a modern law firm with an agile working ethos that allows us to be where you are, and our attention is solely on helping clients who suffer from conditions like chronic fatigue syndrome. Whether you are seeking counsel for the first time or wish to move your personal injury claim to a firm that understands chronic fatigue syndrome, FT Chronic Pain Solicitors are here to help. Send us a message, drop us an email at info@ftchronicpain.co.uk or call us on 0800 9991078 for a free initial consultation.
Award Winning compensation claim experts for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), Fibromyalgia and other Chronic Pain conditions
Average award for a
CRPS claim

If you've already hired a solicitor, you have the option to transfer your personal injury claim to FT Chronic Pain Solicitors where we have experienced chronic fatigue lawyers. This situation often arises when your current solicitor lacks expertise in fibromyalgia, preventing them from providing guidance on selecting the right experts for your case.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome FAQs

What is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?
Are you familiar with myalgic encephalomyelitis? This term may be unfamiliar to you because most people know this condition by its more common name, chronic fatigue syndrome. A lingering condition with a wide range of symptoms, chronic fatigue syndrome can affect anyone, including children, but is most common in women between their mid-20s and mid-40s. So, what is chronic fatigue syndrome? Here, we will explain this condition, including chronic fatigue symptoms and treatment.

What are the Symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, or chronic fatigue syndrome, (ME/CFS) presents with many different symptoms. The syndrome can cause different symptoms in different people, and not everyone with chronic fatigue syndrome has all of the symptoms listed below. What’s more, for people diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome, symptoms can vary in type and severity within the span of a day. The most common symptom is feeling so tired that it becomes difficult to do daily activities, and still feeling tired after resting or sleeping. Other symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome include:
Increased time for recovery after physical exertion.
Sleeping problems, including waking up several times during the night.
Trouble with thinking, memory, focus, and concentration.
Muscle or joint pain.
Sore throat.
Flu-like symptoms.
Dizziness or nausea.
Heart palpitations, with heartbeats are fast or irregular.

How is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Diagnosed?
Other illnesses have symptoms similar to ME/CFS, so it is important to make an appointment with a GP to be properly diagnosed. There is no specific chronic fatigue syndrome test, but an experienced physician can diagnose chronic fatigue syndrome based on symptoms and medical history. Other conditions that could be causing the symptoms must be ruled out, and the doctor may order blood and urine tests. Because there are a variety of common illnesses that are similar to ME/CFS but typically improve without treatment, chronic fatigue syndrome is often suspected when a patient does not get well as quickly as would otherwise be expected. Some of the other health problems similar to chronic fatigue syndrome include sleep disorders, mental health issues, and medical issues like anaemia, diabetes, and hypothyroidism, all of which can cause fatigue. Often, people with chronic fatigue syndrome have concurrent health problems like irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, depression, or anxiety. Some researchers consider chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia to be different facets of the same disease.
There are certain guidelines used to identify the fatigue that goes along with chronic fatigue syndrome. It is defined as being severe enough to interfere with the ability to engage in activities previously enjoyed. The fatigue is also new, of definite onset, not significantly improved by resting, and made worse by physical, mental, or emotional exertion. The other component of the diagnostic criteria for ME/CFS is that, in addition to fatigue, the patient must experience at least one of the following two symptoms: difficulty with memory, focus and concentration, or dizziness that gets worse with movement, particularly positional changes like going from lying down to sitting or standing. These symptoms must occur at moderate, substantial, or severe intensity, at least half the time, for at least six months.
It is unclear what causes chronic fatigue syndrome. The prevailing theory is that it is triggered by something that causes a person to be at a higher risk of developing the illness. These triggers may include viral or bacterial infections, immune system issues, a hormonal imbalance, physical or emotional stress, or genetic factors. A combination of two or more of these factors can contribute to the development of chronic fatigue syndrome. An accident or injury can cause CFS, although it is a complex disorder to separate from alternative causes of the condition and or symptoms that may be explained as being related to another condition.

What Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Treatment is Available?
Chronic fatigue syndrome treatment is focused on managing the condition. There is no cure for chronic fatigue syndrome, but it is possible to manage the symptoms, working to address the most disruptive and disabling symptoms first. Often, a combination of medication, therapy, exercise, and energy management is effective, and many people with chronic fatigue syndrome can improve over time with the right treatment.
Cognitive behavioural therapy has been shown to be effective at reducing fatigue for people with chronic fatigue syndrome, and it can also help with depression that may result from dealing with the long-term health effects of chronic fatigue syndrome. This and other types of counselling can help a person with a chronic illness like chronic fatigue syndrome to develop coping skills, address limitations caused by the illness, and improve family tensions that can occur because of issues caused by ME/CFS.
Similarly, medications used to treat depression are often helpful for people with chronic fatigue syndrome, because in addition to treating the depression, they can help improve sleep and, in many cases, reduce pain. Medications used to regulate blood pressure or treat heart rhythms can be helpful, especially for people with chronic fatigue syndrome who feel dizzy, faint, or nauseous when they stand or sit up. Over-the-counter pain medications like ibuprofen and naproxen sodium may be helpful, but some patients require prescription medications used to treat fibromyalgia, like gabapentin, amitriptyline, duloxetine, or pregabalin. Sleep problems must be addressed because sleep deprivation can make other symptoms harder to manage. Avoiding caffeine or practising better sleep hygiene may be recommended, but in some cases, a doctor will employ sleep apnoea devices to help.

How to live with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?
Exercise can be tricky for those with chronic fatigue syndrome. It is important for people who are trying to manage chronic fatigue syndrome to remain active, but exercise that is too aggressive can make symptoms worse. Long-term function may improve when exercise is started at a low intensity and increased gradually over time. Energy management comes into play here, with the goal of making the most of available energy without making symptoms worse.
Living with chronic fatigue syndrome requires finding the right balance. A patient’s daily routine and activity patterns may need to be adapted on a long-term basis, and this can often require major lifestyle changes. Many patients find it helpful to talk to others who are experiencing chronic fatigue syndrome, as well as relying on the support of friends, family, and a counsellor or therapist. It can also be beneficial to keep a daily journal of activities and symptoms. By noting patterns, a person with chronic fatigue syndrome can avoid overexertion that will lead to a crash, during which it is very difficult to manage symptoms. Post-exertional malaise, the worsening of symptoms after physical, mental, or emotional strain, can last for days or even weeks, making it difficult to strike a balance between activity and rest. It is better, then, to avoid overexertion in favour of remaining active while staying within reasonable limits that do not cause unnecessary duress.